Onychomycosis – a pathology that destroys the nail plate. The fungus eats keratin – building the base of the nail. The infection enters into the intercellular space and begins its division. In more advanced stages of pathology is able to influence the skin of the feet, interdigital guests, the heel.

Causes of nail fungus on your feet
Become infected with is onychomycosis fairly easily. The infection may be lurking on the beach, in a public shower, in the pool. High probability snap of the fungus from infected relatives of helena known (the use of common household tools).
There are several main conditions, which are able to trigger the entry of the virus into the body:
- weak immune system – decrease in the protective forces as a result of the transferred disease infectious helena inflammatory in nature;
- pathology of blood vessels (blockage of a vein) disruption of the work of the internal organs (diabetes mellitus), which lead to problems with the circulation of blood in the lower extremities;
- minor damage to the skin sheets on the legs (scratches, hairline cracks, corns, corns), incurred as a result of wearing tight shoes;
- ignoring the diaper rash and intense sweating of the lower extremities;
- violation measures caution mounting someone else's shoes, visits to public places without Slippers, and to neglect the hygiene of the feet.
Types of nail fungus
Onychomycosis can cause several types of mold. Dermatophytes, for example, manifested in the form of ambiguity of the nail. There has been education of the yellow stains on the edges of helena in the middle of the board. In addition, they can be observed in longitudinal stripes along the affected segment.
Yeast causes a deformation of the nail plate. It significantly thins out and starts to move from its place, becomes gray. Metabolism of injured cells is getting worse, on the nail of the pillow appear the grooves. In addition, the adjacent epidermis will appear inflammation, swelling, redness, occurred to the disappearance of the nail peel.
Forms of bacteria can injure the nail plate, if you already has the disease, which induce nutritional disorders of the nails. In this case also occurs clouding of the board, change its color (from light yellow and green to brown and even black).
To find out the cause and originator of negative changes in the skin and nails, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The very definition of the disease and its treatment without consulting with a doctor can be fraught with consequences.
Phase of the disease

Mycosis of the nails affects healthy cells gradually. The disease has several stages of development, each of which is characterized by its specific manifestations.
The first phase of the onychomycosis (normotroficheskie) does not have significant manifestations. In most cases it takes place hidden. The first symptoms – nails a little dimmed, changes its color, formed hairline cracks and yellow stains in the form of circles helena predilecta, appears tuberosity. Rookie fungus can be accompanied by itching and burning. Correctly recognize the infection at the initial stage is difficult, because the symptoms are similar with other diseases (psoriasis, liver disease).
If time does not begin treatment, the disease goes into the next phase – hypertrophic. The nail becomes thickened, dark. Occurs the deformation of the plate, its crumbling and destruction.
Stty form of nail disease is manifested by a strong thinning of the nail plate, which sees to its further rejection. The adjacent skin of the blue, appears an unpleasant odor.
Onychomycosis most often affects the toenails and, less often, suffer from hands. The disease begins with the thumb and the little finger (without prejudice to the outer edge), smoothly affects the whole board.
To identify the fungal infection you leading symptoms of onychomycosis:
- the appearance of stripes and spots whitish helena greenish in hue under the nails;
- the haze of the plate, change its color (from yellow to dark brown);
- redness and peeling of the skin around the nail;
- the appearance of roughness on your feet and between the toes;
- the formation of mold on the nails.
Types of fungal nail disease
Onychomycosis adopted classified according to the appearance of the affected places. Because the classification of a sign is what it looks like fungus on the nails, it changes from three types, depending on the clinical manifestations:
- atrophic, helena animalisticheskih – in which will nail plate develop a yellowish affected significantly, up to the point of rejection from the nail bed;
- hypertrophic view, which lost the natural shine of the nail changes its color (white helena on the contrary, it darkens) and structure (tangible thickens) with the appearance of different kinds of tension and even destroyed at the edges;
- normotroficheskie – type, characterized by a very low degree of lesions in which will nail plate develop a yellowish is not thickened, it will remain shiny and smooth, but yet outwardly transformed by appearing on her spots, stripes and other visible changes to its natural transparency and colour.

In foreign countries, there is another classification, according to which the sponge on the nails are divided into types depending on the specific location of the lesion:
- the absolute, in which the pathogenic process is covered by a whole will be a nail plate develop a yellowish;
- distal – a form of defeat, insulation only on the free edge of the nail, acting over the pad of your finger;
- the proximal, which is destroyed by the edge of the plate, out from under the nails of the roller (opposite to the free edge of the nail!);
- side form of slaughter, topics that relate to the side of the nail plate.
What looks like pathology
The most common among the population of fungal nail disease have external similarity with other dermatological diseases negribkovoy nature. Depending on the degree of pathology, the nails begin to look unhealthy, because they lose their natural shine and transparency. From the smooth and smooth, becoming thick and deformed, and are covered by different colors (most often white helena almost yellow) tinge. The soft tissue in the vicinity of the data parasite keratin layer is also involved in the inflammatory response, swelling and izyaslavs.
If we consider the image of the destruction of the nail plate in the preview on the dynamics of the disease, its can be divided into three consecutive phases:
- On the first stage with virtually no symptoms, in addition to easy to tarnish, the dots helen streaks on the plate.
- The so-called. expressed by the stage, quickly change the initial, the whole symptoms of onychomycosis becomes more apparent.
- Launched phase – it's marginal degeneration of the nail, may be the emergence of the odor of decomposing tissue.
The causes of deformation of the nail
Forms, yeast-like fungi and fungi-dermatophytes cause an infectious disease of the nails (onychomycosis on), manifesting to share similar symptoms. All kinds of nail fungus on your feet helena hands the deformation of the nail plate, change its transparency, gloss, coloring. Changes in the nail occur not only in onychomycosis, but even with the injuries, chronic paronihii (inflammation of the nail roller), psoriasis, eczema brushes, dermatitis. Before making a conclusion about the fungal infection, it is necessary to consider all possible options.
Symptoms of mold
There are different classifications of nail fungus, depending on the type and manifestations, which may have completely different signs and symptoms, and therefore, it is very important to determine its (psoriasis, eczema, stop the herpes and dermatophyte very similar). Superficial onychomycosis on the fingers is manifested almost immediately after the infection, consider the symptoms and signs of mold on the nails of feet and hands:
- Thickened plate;
- Fragile, free helena ripped the marigolds not only in the vicinity of edges, but also over the entire surface;
- Garbled shape, the flaky structure;
- The initial stage – loss of luster and elasticity;
- If you have your nails black (not on the account, in that case, when a person regularly working with the coloring line helena by mechanical elements);
- Nails bumps under the skin;
- Starting dizbakterioz, maybe the overall decline in immunity, power, drowsiness;
- Itching between the toes and on the stop, in particular, clearly expressed in the child;
- Flaking from the nail bed, this is a very common phenomenon and almost in the last stage before the complete loss of the nail, which is called onycholysis. You can feel the pain in the fingers and find out a little bit of an unpleasant odor;
- The skin becomes dry, breaks, the rash appears, it is possible, even the appearance of blood helena ichor;
- Stale white helena yellow circle under the nail, depending on the variety, mold and mildew, it can be clear, lackluster, with rounded edges and murky structure.

Before the start of active measures, it is necessary to minimize the negative impact of the external environment, to remove the reasons on which it appeared fungus under the toenails:
- A warm and moist environment – ideal for the growth of various microorganisms, try to throughout the walking dry shoes, wear socks made of natural materials, which provide the normal warmth and breathability;
- Fungus of the foot often occurs due to poor immunity, you can simply come barefoot feet to the floor and snap an infection, avoid taking vitamins;
- Common nail extensions can become one of the causes of the formation of onychomycosis, limit procedure to 1 sessions for six months;
- The most frustrating that is displayed – it is a fungus, driven by active disputes. Penetrate into the cavities between the nails and fingers can reside some time in the sleep phase, and after the sharply growth. The most commonly by infection in the common areas (swimming pools, shower booths, tanning) when operating someone else's shoes and so on
The most common types of mycosis of the feet
There are many ways to become infected with foot fungus, but maybe that's just in direct contact with the agents. It mostly happens when using foreign footwear helena in violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Sponge the skin on the feet usually manifests itself through the destruction of the layers of the dermis, which is reflected in the form of flaking. Lesions of the epidermis in this case is due to the fact, that the infection penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, destroys its structure.
Modern medicine makes the following options fungal lesions of the feet, each of which differ in their symptoms and treatment options:
- Interdigital Mycosis – the most common form is in the form which the disease manifests itself. The symptom is usually localized in the interval between 3 and 4 fingers, less often between 4 and 5, it looks like a great, white-coated foil. Options volumes of the epidermis can be the allocation of a certain amount of liquid, peeling the border, but also the emergence of symptoms of diaper rash. Accompanied by symptoms of interdigital athlete's foot can be a weak itching. Such a fungus on the fingers initially may be completely without symptoms, but in the future there has been a significant change in the structure of the skin.
- Fungus squamous giperkineticeski can be distinguished from other species after a strong exfoliation and keratinization which affect the epidermis. It is typical for people suffering from various types of dermatitis, mainly atopic. It is a different type of disease, on which you can clearly see, what occur the fungus on his feet. The main symptom of the disease – the appearance of erythema, painful pink node, on the affected segment, which has clear boundaries. Accompanied by a faint itching, cracks on the stoppage, dryness, pain, discomfort, yellow cover and losing the nail plate. Onychomycosis, which commonly this kind of mold, which sees to the gradual termination of the nails;
- Fungus vesicular – one of the most rarely occurring species infection that affects the skin cover the legs. Its the name of the disease, received for the education of the vesicles – bubbles with the liquid contents, on the spot which then arise of erosion, dangerous for the award of the infection. The main symptoms that differ fungal váčkyez: the emergence of blisters with a diameter of 1 cm, and also the weak itching;
- Cleared the fungus. In the initial phase there was a slight peeling to stop the feet, as well as the emergence of small cracks, externally affects only the upper layers of the epidermis.
- Sponge disgidroticheskaya, infestation that occurs in medical practice only in 8% of patients infected with mycosis. Localized predominantly on the soles of the feet and the arch of the feet, manifests itself in the form of bubbles, gradually coalescing in one, after which there is a rupture with the subsequent emergence of erosion of the extensive type. The danger of mold of this type lies in the possibility of the accession of bacterial infection because pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate through the created wounds;
- Mycosis intertriginosny occurs not only separately, but also as an accompaniment squamous forms of the fungus feet. Manifests between the toes, is characterized by severe itching helena burning, diaper rash and the advent of the abrasions;
- Onychomycosis – another common variant of the defeat, which is a fungus the nails on your feet. Develops usually from the free edge of the nail plate, the initial phase is characterized by the appearance of yellow stains, after which it becomes progression of the disease with lamination and a complete discharge of the nail. Often accompanies other forms of fungal lesions;
- Fungus vulvovaginal, is also called a yeast erosion, which localized in the interdigital space. In this case, the nails on his feet, he looks like a concentration of the swollen inflamed areas of the skin, which may be surrounded by abscesses small forms.