Upon the occurrence of a malfunction in the body, that is about it. The external symptoms of the disorders — hair loss, rashes, fungus on the nails. Similar symptoms require attention and thorough examination, because for them they can hide a serious disease.
Fungal education it is necessary to treat in the first stages of formation, it can ruin your nails and lead to irritation of the soft tissues of the finger. Pathology leads to constant discomfort, exacerbating the quality of life of the patient, causing a feeling of constant pressure from the surroundings and the fear of infecting loved ones.
Nail fungus refers to an infectious disease in medicine is called onychomycosis, or just thrush. Diseases treated in hospital conditions, under supervision of the attending physician.
Nail fungus on hands
Nail fungus often occurs in women, but men are also prone to athlete's foot. In the initial stage of nail fungus is manifested in the fact that the nail dimmed, obtaining a yellowish tint and over time turns brown. If you notice discoloration of the nail, consult an expert for advice and analysis.
Furthermore, white spots appear on the nail plate. They differ in size, acquire a yellowish tint. Nails deformed, changing shape, twisting, becomes fragile, brittle and falling apart.
In subsequent stages, without proper treatment, a fungal infection passes to the skin and gradually eats away at. The affected skin is inflamed, swells, snowflakes, appear oozing pain. Taking proper care of hands pathology can be avoided.
Onicha to the athlete's foot the nails on the hands of the more exposed women, the reason — non-sterile tools to the manicure. According to statistics, this situation becomes the cause of the emergence and development of mold and mildew on your hands. Watch how the master handles a tool.

Nail fungus on your feet
The fungus in the most affects the nails of the lower extremities. The main reason for violation of the rules of foot hygiene. Excessive sweating, to stop uncomfortable or too tight shoes, using a bot to several people — accepted in the society norm. Such behavior becomes a source of infection, which is difficult to derive.
Mycosis — an infectious and highly contagious disease that can be picked up, contact with the infected surface: wear sneakers, go into the shower for persons with onychomycosis of feet. The greatest risk — when used in public places such as swimming pools, saunas, spa. A moist environment and elevated temperature contribute to the reproduction of harmful bacteria.
At least the pathology and is not life-threatening, but causes discomfort, itching, burning, discomfort. Prevents to lead a friendly, healthy life style, as it affects the authority, used in the life of 75% of the time — our legs.

Fungal infection — different configurations, origin and a little differently manifested. Overall mark — the defeat of the nail, the appearance of white spots that are getting bigger. The first symptoms are not forced to wait. Already a week later-two after penetration of bacteria into the nail plate are seen the first symptoms, and see how it looks like nail fungus on the feet.
Toenails appear longitudinal stripes of yellow or brown color. Will the nail plate develop a yellowish sealed, and on the sides — turn yellow and crumble. The defeat spreads ass, or from the root of the nail. The most common situation — the affected free edge of the large nail, behind him the rest of the nails, the space between the fingers.
On the skin there is a feeling of itching and burning, appear traces of diaper rash.
The unpleasant smell, sweating increased — a clear reasons why to go to the doctors. If not start treatment immediately, subsequently, the nail becomes completely brown, strongly deformed and disintegrate. Appear white or yellowish spots on the skin around the nails, then — between the fingers, on the pad of your thumb. In the running phase of the legs along the sides of covered with mold, the skin heavily inflamed, flakes, swollen feet. It is possible to complete loss of the nail, and the view will be terrible. Rough living bacteria appear in the strong smell of rot. Look at the video signs of mold on the feet and legs, than this is dangerous.

The originator of nail fungus — the fungus of the genus Candida. Under normal circumstances, these micro-organisms live in the environment, and even are present in the human body. Do not bring any striking actions just because they are always inhibited by other bacteria in our body and our immunity.
The revitalization of the parasitic characteristics of Candida happens when they come looking for it favorable conditions. It is a common weakening of our body, failure to comply with elementary rules of hygiene, poor hygiene standards.
Constantly contact with the parasites in the environment, but the body rejects a negative impact. Susceptibility increases due to the following factors:
- increased sweating of the feet;
- walking along the narrow and uncomfortable shoes;
- weak immunity;
- injury to the nail or the skin around;
- violation of the hygiene of the feet;
- domestic failure in the endocrine or nervous system;
- entrance to saunas and swimming pools;
- older age.
These are the conditions our skin the easier it is to accept the parasites and less to resist the destructive action of. Get into the layers of the dermis, the bacteria settle down, germinate, and lay their disputes. If no specialized treatment, continue to grow and action is getting worse.
The direct path of the disease — contact with the natural environment, the habitat of the Candida, the type of soil, plants, animals. Indirect — receive the infection from another person, through the use of shoes, towels, things.

The first thing to do when he finds out the symptoms — consult a specialist. Niche doctor, who treats exclusively of fungal infection — mycologist. In the realities of our lives, it's hard to find spices. If you failed to turn to him, then help a dermatologist. His element — a skin disease, and it will help solve the problem with the nails.
After the analysis of the doctor's course of treatment. Nail fungus the stop — resistant pain, which derive hard. Standard disinfection or the means of disinfection help to prevention but not for treatment.
Medicines are appointed by the local application. Exception — if the background developed by the mycosis violated the metabolic processes. Then they are written in a means for strengthening the immunity and vitamins for the growth and strengthening of nails, calcium.
If you want to win in the fight with thrush, use a strong specialised drugs: the ointment or drops. Recently popular are the medicinal nail varnishes.
Lacquers stand out for the fact that unlike other resources, without being cleared during the walk and remain active during the day. They are appointed as part of a comprehensive therapy, or as a stand-alone cure. Varnishes have a significantly positive result, if it is affected by more than 50% of the nail plate.
A cheap and effective remedy — tea tree oil. It is a powerful antiseptic, based on the antibacterial action. The oil is known for its properties to kill the fungus, so it is widely used by doctors.

Please note! Thrush — this is a microscopic bacteria and fungi, which are constantly multiplying, and they do it with tremendous speed. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of all at the last bacteria. Discontinued treatment or incorrectly compiled in the course of treatment necessarily lead to relapse.
Watch out for the treatment of all the responsibility. The result depends on your self-discipline. To properly construct a course will only be useful if you stick with it.
If a long time do not pay attention to processes, caused by mycosis, is threatened not only the loss of the nails, but also the deterioration of the condition of the whole organism. From the inflammation in one place suffers from all the systems of your body, because a large part of the forces spent to fight infections. Violation of the metabolic processes — is the first thing that is threatening.
Do not forget to handle all the things with which he was in contact, otherwise relapse can not be avoided. Carefully disinfect the shoes, floors, bedding and bathroom. In the course of treatment is not suitable to walk barefoot at home, and not attend public school, where there is the possibility of infection.
If you live with more people, accept the preventive measures to ensure their assault. And after the end of the course, do not forget about the prevention of mold, use an antiseptic and to carefully monitor the hygiene of the lower limbs.
Folk remedies
In addition to the universally recognized medicinal products, folk craftsmen knows the secret of self-treatment pathology. These methods are based fully on natural products that are easy to get hold of in the natural environment. Cheap methods, proven over time.
It is convenient, because most of the components used can easily be found at home with no mistress. Proponents of alternative medicine claim that the treatment by natural means is much more effective than pharmacy drugs.
The most common — treatment of the feet in iodine. So bacteria mold prizhivayutsya and die. The affected nail plates twice a day liberally smeared with iodine solution 5%. Iodine acts slowly. This is the external way of processing, after 3 weeks of this treatment you will notice some improvement. And just over the 40-50 days is guaranteed, that he forgot how it looks like a fungus and what it is.
Iodine is not only destroys the parasitic bacteria, but also helps to restore and strengthen the nail plate. On the site destroyed by the fungus grows a new, healthy and whole. Alcohol solution removes the itching and burning of the skin as an antiseptic and will remove the unpleasant smell.
Iodine may be used in combination with other devices. Mix iodine with celandine, you get the ointment. Treat her heels and toes a few times during the day. The effect will be clearly noticeable in 2 weeks.
A parallel can be take vitamin a mixture, or a means to strengthen immunity. This will improve the overall condition of the body and help him fight from the inside.
The wide popularity of acetic acid trays. Acetic acid has excellent properties in the fight with mold and other fungi. Trays with this medicine is not a bit harmful to the skin cover, and the infection completely inhibited.
For use is suitable as common table vinegar 9%, and apple cider. In particularly complex cases, it is allowed to increase the concentration, the application of 70% vinegar. The most common range to use — the 4 parts water to 1 part vinegar. There you can also add tea tree oil for a stronger antiseptic effect.
This method is suited to the person who has the time to do your own feet, so as each procedure takes 30 minutes and repeat twice a day. The optimal time — morning and evening. Acid baths are not used separately as a drug, because that just suppress and stop the development, reproduction of microorganisms. Spores are killed in the created acidic environment, but also the adults are in most remain. For the most complete and effective treatment, it is appropriate to use the complex.
After the trays remove the affected nails, and sacotte with a pumice stone on the skin in the area. So you clear a big layer of accumulated bacteria. And then, what — apply the antifungal agent to achieve the maximum benefit from the manipulation.
It is important to know! In more advanced stages of folk medicine can not be the sole means in the fight against mycosis. Definitely need to use the drug drugs, otherwise attempt to completely get rid of the infection proved to be a failure.
Folk methods may be used only in cases, if approved by the doctor. In some situations, it is strictly forbidden to operate on the nails rubbing alcohol or vinegar.
The greatest influence of all non-traditional ways, how would the first stage of development onichamykóza, in the meantime, up pops a open sore on the skin and inflammation of the finger, soles of the feet.